Sallie Visionary Sage Crone


Thank you for joining me here, you are in the right place. Every thing happens in perfect timing and we find the right medicine at the right time. You are so welcome here to explore all that I offer in service of you! I would be honoured to share in your journey, hold space and help to guide and support you.

May I suggest a call about your unique situation, where we can determine if we are a good fit together and if I am the person to guide you on this part of your journey. You can contact me directly here to start that conversation.



I have been gifted healing through a variety of modalities throughout my life, some have been transmissions and initiations as well as study and now I offer them to you as a gift, to share.


Giving Back

I donate 10% of all my fees/proceeds in support of a variety of women’s and children’s charities.